Frequently Asked Questions

(1) Is it necessary to put down a special topping in order to establish a polished concrete floor?

No. The new or existing concrete floor, which is usually a standard floor screed 30-35N10, is the concrete that will be polished to the desired effect. The polishing process is carried out on the finished floor slab. There is no other slab that is placed on top of this prior to polishing. If pouring a new floor for polishing, a minimum of 50mm of concrete (suitable for polishing) is required.

(2) Where will I get this concrete?

The concrete can be sourced from any concrete provider. The colour of the finish that you would like will be dictated by the concrete supplier. A limestone quarry and a sandstone quarry, while having similar technical detail, will produce 2 different colours. A limestone quarry will typically give a light grey coloured finish and a sandstone quarry will typically give a sandy coloured finish. A discussion between Cutsue Ltd and the concrete provider is always be a good idea.

(3) Is it necessary that Cutsue Ltd pours the concrete?

No, we do not have to pour the concrete but Cutsue Ltd would advise a discussion take place between Cutsue Ltd, the client and the company placing the concrete prior to pour. Cutsue Ltd can also pour the floor if the client requests.

(4) How long should the concrete be poured before the polishing takes place?

At a minimum 4 weeks post placing of the concrete floor. In the case of a new build, Cutsue Ltd would arrive on site after the plastering has been completed and before the 2nd fixing commences.

(5) Can an existing floor in a domestic or commercial setting be polished?

Yes, provided the floor is level and of good quality. Each project needs to be assessed on its own merits.

(6) At what stage of the project should we talk to Cutsue Ltd about polished concrete?

As soon as you begin considering polished concrete floors as an option, please give Cutsue Ltd a call to discuss further.